We live in what some might consider a golden age of communication, yet it’s easy to feel like we are listening to – and hearing each other – less and less.
One way to ensure your voice can be heard is by raising the volume: as long as you are shouting while others around you are merely talking, your words won’t get lost in the fray. You could also change your pitch: in a busy, trendy restaurant, low tones stand out against high-pitched laughter and excitement.
Our powerful desire to communicate cannot be met solely by changing the pitch of our voice. Words can camouflage truth; “I can’t hear what you’re saying; I’m too busy watching what you’re doing” was an oft-repeated refrain in my childhood. “Actions speak louder than words” was another. This wisdom guides me; words have weight only when anchored by action. I don’t make promises; I move into action.
When I do speak, I speak in truth.
The word gospel originally meant “good story,” “good news,” or “good telling.” When St. Francis of Assisi exhorts us to “Preach the Gospel at all times. When necessary, use words,” he is referring to the teachings of Jesus Christ, but his words speak to all of us: Show, don’t tell. Be the truth we seek to teach. Listen for the wisdom beyond the words. A “promise” is just a bunch of letters arranged in a line –instead, dare to be the truth we seek to teach. What may begin as a whisper of truth can become a crescendo of awareness impossible to ignore.
More than a decade in the field of recovery and transformation has brought one such truth to me. Everyone deserves to recover, but not everyone can afford the individualized substance-abuse recovery care proven effective time and time again. Addressing that disparity has been a dream of mine –a whisper– for years. SilverBell Global alums have always encouraged and championed me to start a foundation; today, I’m honored to introduce the Inservice Foundation: The Art of Transformation. Inservice is a 501(c)(3) foundation created in service of individuals who would benefit from curated, concierge-level recovery plans but lack the means to access them.
We’re excited to introduce Inservice: The Art of Recovery at our first event on Oct 27th. You’ll hear more about Inservice over the coming weeks, but, for now, I’ll leave you with this: The ancient Indian sacred texts known as The Vedas hold that the physical body is composed of seven primary energy centers called chakras. The Throat Chakra is associated with expression, communication, voice, and truth. From the Throat Chakra flows not only the power of honest speech and personal truth but the power of nonverbal communication, the practice of patience, and the ability to embrace silence and stillness as well.
Can you hear the whisper of truth inside you? How might you express your truth with silence and stillness today?
In Service,